ReadMe - TireMaster 9.3.1
The following information describes program changes available in TireMaster 9.3.1.

Chart of Accounts

The Inventory Item check box setting for individual asset accounts displays properly now when the chart of accounts is reopened.
Corporate (TireMaster Corporate Only)

Options for printing statements by customer sites and invoice sites are now available in multi-store environments. When you want to generate statements by site, click the Site button and select one or more sites. Then choose one of the following:
Customer Sites, which prints statements only for customers who were added at the selected site or sites
Invoice Sites, which prints statements for customers with invoices completed at the selected site or sites

In multi-store environments, the Dashboard can now be opened simultaneously at multiple sites by multiple users when TireMaster is hosted in the ASA Data Center.

When the Customer Contact List is generated in a multi-store environment, the sites selection is no longer ignored. Previously, contacts for all sites were listed regardless of the entries in the Site field.

When the Terms screen is opened, future due settings are no longer set back to Default. Now they remain set to On or Off as previously defined.

Today’s date is now used on Dashboard printouts, instead of 0001-01-01.

The Dashboard now opens on TireMaster systems that are housed in the ASA Data Center and are accessed via a remote desktop connection.

The PO System documents and documents automatically generated during the day-end closing process have been rewritten with upgraded software development tools. The new PO System and day-end documents include only minor changes in appearance, compared to the same documents generated with previous TireMaster versions. There is, however, a noticeable difference on the screen that opens when generating these documents. The buttons (such as Print, Email, and Close) are positioned along the top instead of the bottom.

Now you can limit the number of items listed on the Item Tracking screen. A set of radio buttons that let you display 40, 120, or All items has been added to the screen. These options are located near the lower-right corner.
Quotes and Estimates

A generic image of a tire is now used on good, better, best quotes when the Tire Brands data does not include an image of a quoted tire.

The subject and body text defined in the email verbiage configuration is now used on the email selection screen that opens when you send quotes to customers. Previously, the text “Attached Document” was used as the subject and body.

With this release, subtotals are available for each section on quotes and estimates. For example, if you quote prices for three different tires on the top of the screen and prepare repair estimates for three different inspection areas on the bottom of the screen, the printed document will include six individual subtotals, along with the authorized grand total.

The setting of the system control Quotes - Print Header is no longer ignored. Previously, the control Work Orders - Print Headers affected quote header printing and it should not have.

Notes assigned to inventory items and notes entered on quote line items are no longer excluded from printed quotes.

When shop supplies are taxed, the sales tax for the shop charge is no longer excluded from the sales tax amount on printed quotes (lower-right corner of the page).

An issue that caused duplicate entries to sometimes appear on the Appointment List has been resolved.

Printing a duplicate set of statements has been simplified. Once the first set of statements has printed, press the Ctrl key and double-click one of the entries in the Print column. When the column reversal message appears, click OK. The red column entries (for customers who received printed statements) change to green, and you can print the statements again.

The printer selection screen no longer opens and stops you from emailing statements, when the following conditions are true:
The reports printer is set to Selectable.
The reports printer is not defined and is not selectable.

The form used for generating statements no longer ignores the settings that define whether to include customer email addresses and fax numbers.

Current, aging, and total due amounts are no longer incorrect when real-time statements are printed on the same day of the month as the invoice due date defined in a customer’s payment terms.

Quoted items that have been added to a work order are no longer included on printouts for the remaining items on the quote.
Time Clock

The time clock no longer opens a second session when it is already running. If you select Time Clock from the menu and see a flash, the time clock is already open. In this scenario, click the time clock icon () in the Windows System Tray to see it fully.