
This help topic is applicable to the following TireMaster application:

TireMaster Point of Sale

TireMaster Plus

TireMaster Corporate


Replication is the process of moving data back and forth between stores and the corporate headquarters. Here’s how the replication cycle works for a remote store (see below). The store sends its data to the corporate site. The corporate site receives the data from the store and transmits it to the other stores. Likewise, the other stores send their data to the corporate site. Then the corporate site sends the data from the other stores to the originating store.

Replication runs as a service, and it can be manually stopped or started from the Microsoft® Windows® Services module.

To manually stop or start replication

1. Right-click and select Search from the menu that opens.
2. Type services in the search field and press Enter. The Services screen opens.
3. Right‑click ASA-Replication and select Start or Stop.
Tip: For easier access to the Services module, set up a shortcut. Type Administrative Services in the Windows search field. Then right-click Services and select Create Shortcut and put it on the computer’s desktop.