Original Document Preservation
TireMaster can be configured to automatically save original copies of the following documents on the server. This functionality is available in TireMaster 9.4.0.
Purchase orders
Receiving documents
Vendor invoice documents
Day end closing reports (Daily Till Detail Report, Daily Invoice Report - Till Totals/Over & Short, Daily Sales Report, Day End Transaction Report, and Paidout Report)

When transactions are completed, PDFs of the resulting transactional documents are placed in the Out subfolder in the TireMaster directory. Depending on your TireMaster installation, the PDFs will be placed in TireMaster\Out, TMPOS\Out, or QDSTM\Out.)
When you or a customer needs a copy of a document, open the Out folder and print it or attach the document to an email.
Documents are organized in the Out folder by document name, and they include date/time stamps that coincide with the date and time when the corresponding transactions were completed.

To enable automatic saving of documents to the server, set the control PDF save copy to server to On. This setting is on the Other tab of the System Controls screen.