TireMaster 9.2.0 Help

GL Classes

With GL classes, you can display information for each type of sale in its own section of the income statement. Sales are typically divided into the following GL classes:

  • Class 1: Normal Sales

  • Class 2: Transfer Sales

  • Class 3: NA/GS/ADJ Sales (for national-account, government-support, and adjustment sales)

Using GL classes lets you report the profit (or loss) for items that bring in little or no money separately from items sold under normal circumstances. Typically, these low-profit or no-profit items are the tires that are sold in national-account, government-support, adjustment, and transfer sales. When sales figures for these items are combined with the sales figures for items sold at their regular prices, the overall gross profit margin is lowered.

Note:       When you set up a reconciliation code to track vendor credits, you need to assign a GL class for national-account, government-support, and adjustment sales to the reconciliation code.

When you print an income statement, you can do one of the following:

  • Display a summary of the net gain or loss for a particular type of sale. For this summary, roll up a GL class.

  • Display the sales and cost totals for a particular type of sale. To include these totals, don’t roll up a GL class.