Reversing Finance Charges
If you applied a finance charge to a customer’s subledger account by mistake, you can reverse the finance charge by creating a special type of ROA.
Note: For information about applying finance charges to a customer’s account, see Finance Charge Edit Report.
To reverse a finance charge
1. Click Invoicing. The Open Work Order List appears.
2. Click ROA. The Name/Lookup Entry screen appears.
3. Look up the customer whose finance charge you want to reverse. The Customer Maintenance screen appears. For more information, see Looking Up a Customer.
4. Click OK. The ROA/Deposit Complete screen appears.
5. Type the amount you want to reverse in the Rev. Finance Charge row.
6. To print a different number of copies, change the number in the # of Copies field.
7. If you want the reversal to be applied to open invoices automatically, make sure the Apply ROA check box is selected.
8. If you want the reversal to be applied to the oldest open invoices first, make sure the Flag Old Invoices check box is selected.
9. Click OK. TireMaster prompts you to complete and print the ROA.
10. Click Yes. The Open Item Ledger screen appears.
11. Select the finance charge that you want to reverse, and type an A in the Apply column.
Note: You might need to clear the A from one of the other rows. To clear the letter A from a row, select the letter and press the space bar or Backspace key.
12. Click OK. TireMaster prompts you to save your changes.
13. Click Yes. TireMaster prompts you to apply the items.
14. Click Yes.
Copyright 2017 ASA Automotive Systems, Inc.
Version 9.2.0 | Generated 12/19/2017
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