TireMaster 9.2.0 Help

Issuing Dual Casing Credits

If a retreader buys the finished product from you, you need to generate two credits with the Casing Manager. One of the credits is for the customer who originally brought you the casing. (In other words, you’re buying the casing from the customer in order to sell the finished product to the retreader.) The other credit reduces the balance you owe the retreader (because the retreader is buying the finished product from you).

To issue dual casing credits

1.       If the Casing Manager isn’t already open, click Invoicing. Then click Core Case on the Open Work Order List.

2.       Look up the order.

a.    Display only the orders that have been sent to a retreader. If you’re using the Casing Manager’s default status settings, make sure At Retreader is selected.

Tip:  If you know the order number, tag ID, or number for a casing on the order, you can locate the order with the Search by drop-down list. Select the parameter you want to use (such as number), then type the number or ID and click Find. To include all orders, regardless of status, select the Search All check box.

b.    Select the order, and click Receive Retreads. The Process Casings screen appears.

3.       Select the Buy check box for a casing that you want to buy.

4.       Do one of the following:

  • If you originally said that you weren’t buying the casing from the customer, click Yes to verify that you have decided to buy it now. Then click Yes when you’re asked if the retreader will buy the finished product.

  • If you originally said that you would buy the casing from the customer, click Yes when you’re asked if the retreader will buy the finished product.

The Receive from Vendor screen appears.

5.       If it isn’t already filled in, type the amount of the credit you’ll give the customer in the CR Customer field.

6.       Type the amount of the credit that the retreader is giving you in the CR Retreader field.

7.       Click Save.

8.       Repeat steps 3 through 7 for each additional casing you’re selling to the retreader.

9.       Review the amounts listed at the top of the screen (highlighted in blue). If you need to make any changes, select the casing and click Edit Received Charges.

10.   Click Complete. The Report Window opens and displays a charge edit report.

11.   Print the charge edit report, and close the Report Window. The Report Window re-opens and displays an account credit memo.

12.   Print the account credit memo for the customer, and then close the Report Window.

13.   Repeat steps 11 and 12 until you’re no longer prompted to print charge edit reports and credit memos. The Casing Manager screen appears.

14.   Close the Casing Manager and the point of sale screens. A credit for the finished retreads posts to the vendor’s (retreader’s) subledger and a credit posts to the customer’s subledger.