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Cost-Replacement Codes

A cost-replacement code lets you include a noninventoriable item’s cost on an invoice without revealing the cost to the customer. If the customer returns the item, the code makes it easy for you to record the item’s actual cost.

Cost-replacement codes are used for items set up with the option-cost and relief-percent costing methods. You can enter a cost-replacement code at point of sale for option-cost items.

A cost-replacement code is comprised of a series of ten letters that represent numbers. Each letter in the code must be unique. For example, with the code HEAVYSTOCK, the letter H is 0, the letter E is 1, the letter A is 2, and so on.

Note:       Cost-replacement codes are case sensitive, so whether you type uppercase or lowercase letters at point of sale depends on how you set up your code.

Related Topics

Option-Cost Method

Relief-Percent Method