Expense Method
With the expense method, the cost of an item posts to the general ledger when you buy the item from a vendor. The expense method is often used for low-cost and labor items that will not have a large impact on the income statement.
To set up an expense-method item
1. Add the item to your inventory. For more information, see Adding Items to the Inventory.
2. On the Inventory Maintenance screen, do the following:
Type the letter N in the Inventory (Y/N) field.
Make sure the Force Option Cost check box is clear.
3. On the Site Prices and Quantity screen, make sure the Relief % field is set to 0.00.
Tip: To access the Site Prices and Quantity screen, click the Qty/Pricing tab on the Inventory Maintenance screen. Then click Detail/Edit.
Copyright 2017 ASA Automotive Systems, Inc.
Version 9.2.0 | Generated 12/19/2017
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