Adding Work Order Statuses
You can set up your own work order status options for point of sale. For each status, define the name, along with a color and a letter, number, or symbol for identifying the status. You can also define whether text messaging or email should be launched when a status is selected. You can set up a total of eight statuses.
Note: Four statuses are available by default. They are No Status, On Site, In Progress, and Done.
To add a work order status
1. From the Setup menu, select WO Status. The Work Order Status Options screen appears.
2. Click Add. The WO Status screen appears.
3. Type the name of the status in the Option Name field.
Tip: For best results, limit the number of characters in the status name to ten or fewer.
4. Type the letter, number, or symbol that you want to use to identify the status in the Option Symbol field. This character is used on the Open Work Order List.
5. To assign a color to the status, click Option Color. Then select a swatch from the Color screen and click OK. The selected color is also used on the Open Work Order List.
6. If you want a text reminder to appear when the status is selected at point of sale, select the Send Text check box.
7. If you want to the status to be assigned to new work orders by default, select the Default Status check box. Otherwise, leave it alone.
Note: Only one status can be designated as the default status.
8. To save the new status, click OK.
9. To set up additional work order statuses, repeat steps 2 through 8.
10. Define how the statuses should be arranged.
To move a status toward the top of the list, select it and click Move Up repeatedly until it is in the position where you want it to be.
To move a toward the bottom of the list, select it and click Move Down repeatedly until it is in the position where you want it to be.
11. When you’re finished setting up work order statuses, close the Work Order Status Options screen.
Copyright 2017 ASA Automotive Systems, Inc.
Version 9.2.0 | Generated 12/19/2017
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