TireMaster 9.2.0 Help

Custom Inventory Lookup Screen

You can define the requirements for inventory searches by entering one or more codes in the fields on the Custom Inventory Lookup screen. The screen also has five tabs that you can customize for the various circumstances in which you look up items.

Note:       The TireMaster startup database includes the following tabs: Standard, Receiving, Pricing, Editing, and Other. You can change these names if needed.



Past Lookups

Lets you select the codes used for a previous search from a drop-down list and reuse them in a new search.


Displays the names of the search options for the selected tab. The search options are actually various settings assigned to items, including size, product code, and bar code.


Lets you type a code, number, letter, or description to use for searches:

  • When searching for a range of items, set the beginning of the range in this column.

  • When searching by manufacturer, group, and category click keyAcctTilde.jpg and make a selection from a list.

  • When using the Split Look option to search for staggered fitments, type one size in this column and the other size in the End column.


Lets you type the code, number, letter, or description for the end of a range of items:

  • When searching for a range of items, set the end of the range in this column (for search options that can be used to look up a range of items).

  • When searching by group and category, click keyAcctTilde00001.jpg and make a selection from a list.

  • When using the Split Look search option to find staggered fitments, type one size in the Start column and the other size in this column.


Lets you set the order for displaying items retrieved by a search on the Inventory List. The first code is the primary sorting method, the second code is the secondary sorting method, and so on. For example, if the primary sort order is rim size, all items with the same rim size will be sorted by the secondary sort order instead.

Note: You can enter up to four sort codes. When a sort code cannot be used to perform a task or organize information on a report, it’s disabled.

Active Items Only

Lets you include active items in the search.

Include Discontinued Items

Lets you include discontinued items in the search.


Lets you display the items retrieved by the search from the highest to lowest. The items that match the primary sort order will be displayed in descending order first followed by those matching the secondary sort order, and so on.

Note: Because TireMaster is designed to always display quantities on the Inventory List from highest to lowest, this check box is disabled when the letter Q is the only code entered in the Sort field.


Lets you change the name of the selected tab.

Note: This button is visible only when accessing the Custom Inventory Lookup screen from the Setup menu.


Removes codes that have been entered in the Start and End columns.


Functions in one of the following ways:

  • From the Inventory menu, begins the search for items.

  • From the Setup menu, saves changes to the screen.


Functions in one of the following ways:

  • From the Inventory menu, lets you stop the search for items.

  • From the Setup menu, lets you cancel changes to the screen.

Related Topics

Looking Up Inventory Items

Setting Up the Custom Inventory Lookup Screen