TireMaster 9.2.0 Help

Shop Supplies

You can automatically include shop charges on invoices. These fees, referred to as shop supplies, are used to cover expenses for items such as towels and grease.

You can assess shop charges for all of your inventory items, some of your inventory items, or you might not assess shop charges at all. If you do collect shop charges, the overall shop charge for an invoice is the total of the smaller fees calculated for individual items on the ticket. In TireMaster, those per-item fees are one of the following:

  • A percentage of the parts price + FET (if any)

  • A percentage of the labor price

  • Both of the above

You can define separate parts and labor percentages for calculating shop charges, or the percentage can be the same for both parts and labor. To ensure that your shop charges aren’t too low or too excessive, you can set minimum and maximum amounts for them.

Related Topics

Setting Up Shop Supplies