Viewing Gas Links
If you need to view a gas link, look up the gas item that is linked to another gas item. Because a list of all gas links is not available, you might want to keep a record of which gas items are linked or name your gas items in a way that will help you identify which ones are linked.
To view a gas link
1. From the Inventory menu, select Gasoline Combine. The Gas Link Maintenance screen appears.
2. To find a gas item that’s linked to another gas item, click 1. Lookup. The Inventory Lookup screen appears.
3. Type the gas item’s product code and click Product Code.
Tip: You can use partial size or product codes for the search.
4. Select the item that’s linked to another gas item, and click OK. TireMaster displays the descriptions for both the link-from and link-to items on the Gas Link Maintenance screen.
Copyright 2017 ASA Automotive Systems, Inc.
Version 9.2.0 | Generated 12/19/2017
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