TireMaster 9.2.0 Help

Setting a Fixed Price for an Item

After you add an item to TireMaster, you can set its price. The steps for setting fixed prices are the same for both inventoriable and noninventoriable items.

To set a fixed price an item

1.       Look up the item whose price you want to set. For more information, see Looking Up Inventory Items.

2.       On the Inventory Maintenance screen, click the Qty/Pricing tab.

3.       Click Detail/Edit. The Site Prices and Quantity screen appears.

4.       Type the item’s price, excluding labor, in the Parts field.

5.       Type the item’s labor price, if any, in the Labor field. TireMaster displays the total of the parts price and the labor price added together in the EDL field.

Note:       EDL stands for everyday low.

6.       To save the updated prices, click OK.

7.       Close the Inventory Maintenance screen.

Related Topics

Site Prices and Quantity Screen

Adding Items to the Inventory