TireMaster 9.2.0 Help

Printing a Service Checklist

When it’s time to inspect a customer’s vehicle, you can print a service checklist to take out to the shop. As you examine the vehicle, you can write notes on the checklist and keep track of which inspection areas you’ve already checked.

Printed service checklists include the name and description for each inspection area. If inventory items have been assigned to any of the inspection areas, those items are also included on the printout. You can print service checklists via the Quote and Estimate Writer and the Setup menu.

To print a service checklist

1.       Do one of the following to open the Service Checklists screen:

  • On the Quote and Estimate Writer screen, click Checklist. When TireMaster prompts you to continue, click Yes.

Note:       If a customer and vehicle have been selected in the Quote and Estimate Writer, the printed checklist will include the customer’s name and vehicle information.

  • Select Vehicle Service Checklist from the Setup menu.

2.       Select the checklist that you want to print and click Print. The Report Window opens.

3.       Print the service checklist and close the Report Window.

4.       Close any open screens.