Retrieving Quotes & Estimates
You can retrieve quotes and estimates that have already been saved when a customer returns to make a purchase or to review prices.
To retrieve quotes and estimates
1. Press F12. The Quote and Estimate Writer opens.
2. Click Find Quote/Est. The Quote and Estimate List appears.
3. If you don’t see the quote or estimate that you want to retrieve, type the customer’s name, phone number, or quote number and click Find.
Tip: If you still don’t see the quote or estimate that you’re looking for, it might be expired or locked. To view expired quotes and estimates only, select Expired; to display both active and expired quotes and estimates, select Both; to display locked quotes and estimates only, click Locked.
4. Select the quote or estimate that you want to retrieve and click OK. Now, you can update the quote or estimate, print a copy of it, or turn it into a work order.
Copyright 2017 ASA Automotive Systems, Inc.
Version 9.2.0 | Generated 12/19/2017
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