Retrieving and Converting Legacy Quotes
Legacy quotes are quotes that were created with the Quote Module in older versions of TireMaster. You can retrieve one or more of these quotes and convert them into a format that’s compatible with the Quote and Estimate Writer.
To retrieve and convert a legacy quote
1. Press F12 to open the Quote and Estimate Writer.
2. Click Find Quote/Est. The Quote and Estimate List appears.
3. Select the Legacy Quotes check box. TireMaster displays only those quotes that were created with the legacy Quote Module.
4. Select the quote that you want to convert and click OK. A confirmation message appears.
5. To convert the quote, click Yes. The quote is now available for editing in the Quote and Estimate Writer. You can update the quote, print it, or turn it into a work order.
Copyright 2017 ASA Automotive Systems, Inc.
Version 9.2.0 | Generated 12/19/2017
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