TireMaster 9.2.0 Help

Scheduling Recommended Services

When you recommend services for a vehicle, the customer might ask to schedule an appointment. In this scenario, you can begin the process of scheduling the appointment from the Quote and Estimate Writer.

To schedule recommended services

1.       Retrieve the customer’s vehicle inspection results.

a.    Press F12 to open the Quote and Estimate Writer.

b.    Click Find Quote/Est.

c.    Select the customer’s estimate from the list, and click OK.

Note:       You can also open the Quote and Estimate Writer at point of sale by clicking Chk on the Invoice Entry screen or by clicking Checklist on the Vehicle tab of the Customer Maintenance screen.

2.       To enlarge the checklist panel, click btn_QuoteEstUpArrow00032.jpg until it reaches the size you want. This button is located on the right side of the screen between the quote and checklist panels.

3.       Update the estimate if needed. Updating the estimate includes making changes such as raising or lowering prices, adding or removing items, and authorizing or unauthorizing work for inspection areas.

4.       Save your changes.

5.       Click Create/Update Appt. A confirmation message appears.

Note:       If the Create/Update Appt button is disabled, the customer and vehicle need to be added to TireMaster.

6.       Click OK to close the message. The rows in the Q and Auth columns turn green for the items set aside for the appointment and the Appointment List opens.

7.       Change the appointment date and time, if needed, and assign a mechanic and bay to appointment. For more information, see Scheduling an Appointment.

Note:       Appointments that originate from the Quote and Estimate Writer are automatically scheduled for the next day. If you don’t see the appointment when you click Calendar (on the Appointment List), advance to the next day on the Appointment Calendar.

8.       Close the Quote and Estimate Writer.

Related Topics

Quote and Estimate Writer Screen

Recording Vehicle Inspection Results

Writing Estimates

Turning an Estimate into a Work Order