TireMaster 9.2.0 Help

AR or AP Payments

This report displays information about payments from customers or payments to vendors. For vendors, the report also lists each of the items that were applied when processing a check in the AP Payments screen or when updating the vendor’s ledger in the Payment Editing screen.

To generate an AR or AP Payments Report

1.       Select Reports from the General Ledger menu. The Report List appears with the GL tab selected.

2.       Select AR or AP Payments and click Launch. The AR or AP Payments screen appears.

3.       Select one of the following:

  • Accounts Receivable for a list of payments from customers

  • Accounts Payable for a list of payments to vendors or a list of applied items

4.       Select one or more customers or vendors:

  • For payments from a specific customer or vendor, click Lookup. Then look up the customer or vendor.

  • For payments from all customers or vendors, leave the Customer or Vendor field blank.

5.       To limit the information retrieved by the report, do one of the following:

  • For all payments, select None.

  • For payments that a specific check number was used for, select
    Check # and type the check number.

Note:       For accounts payable, a vendor’s name needs to be selected to look up payments by check number.

  • For a specific invoice that an ROA has been applied to, select
    Invoice #. Then type the invoice number. (AR report only.)

  • For a specific group of applied items from the vendor’s payment ledger, select Apply Group. Then type the apply group number. (AP report only.)

Tip:  If you don’t know the apply group number, look in the ROA Unapply screen. The ROA Unapply screen can be accessed by clicking Unapply on the Payment Editing screen.

  • For payments that occurred during a specific date range, select Date Range. Then select the beginning and ending dates from the drop-down lists. (AR report only.)

6.       To define how to organize information on the report, select Check # or Invoice # from the Group By drop-down list. (AR report only.)

Note:       The Group By drop-down list is active only when None or Date Range is selected.

7.       To include document numbers on the report, make sure the Show Detail check box is selected. To exclude document numbers, clear the check box.

8.       Click Print. The Report Window appears.

9.       Print the report. Then close the Report Window.