TireMaster 9.2.0 Help

Balance Sheet - MTD

Like the regular balance sheet, this report shows the financial position of your company on a given date. Along with that information, it also includes month-to-date totals for your asset, liability, and equity accounts for the selected fiscal period.

To generate a Balance Sheet with month-to-date totals

1.       Select Reports from the General Ledger menu. The Report List appears with the GL tab selected.

2.       Select Balance Sheet - MTD and click Launch. The Report Options screen appears.

3.       Type the fiscal year, number, and period for the balance sheet.

Note:       Unless you’ve changed your fiscal calendar, the fiscal number should always be 1.

4.       To remove a site from the balance sheet, double-click its row. All sites are selected by default.

5.       Select one or more of the report-option check boxes.

6.       Click Print. The Report Options screen appears.

7.       Print the report and close the Report Window.

8.       Close the Report Options screen.