Balance Sheet - MTD
Like the regular balance sheet, this report shows the financial position of your company on a given date. Along with that information, it also includes month-to-date totals for your asset, liability, and equity accounts for the selected fiscal period.
To generate a Balance Sheet with month-to-date totals
1. Select Reports from the General Ledger menu. The Report List appears with the GL tab selected.
2. Select Balance Sheet - MTD and click Launch. The Report Options screen appears.
3. Type the fiscal year, number, and period for the balance sheet.
Note: Unless you’ve changed your fiscal calendar, the fiscal number should always be 1.
4. To remove a site from the balance sheet, double-click its row. All sites are selected by default.
5. Select one or more of the report-option check boxes.
6. Click Print. The Report Options screen appears.
7. Print the report and close the Report Window.
8. Close the Report Options screen.
Copyright 2017 ASA Automotive Systems, Inc.
Version 9.2.0 | Generated 12/19/2017
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