TireMaster 9.2.0 Help

Customer Master List

With this report, you can generate the following:

  • A list of all active customers

  • A list of customers assigned one or more customer types

  • A list of customers assigned to a specific salesperson

  • A list of customers assigned one or more customer types and a specific salesperson.

To generate a Customer Master List

1.       Select Reports from the Customers menu. The Report List appears with the Customer tab selected.

2.       Select Customer Master List and click Launch. The Report Window appears.

3.       To limit the report to specific customer types, do the following:

a.    Click Customer Types. The Customer/Vendor Type List appears.

b.    Select one or more types from the list. For t multiple types, press the Ctrl key and select each type that you want to include on the report.

c.    Click OK.

4.       To limit the report to customers who are assigned to a specific salesperson, do the following:

a.    Click Salesperson. The User List appears.

b.    Select the salesperson’s name from the list and click OK.

5.       Print the report and close the Report Window.