TireMaster 9.2.0 Help

Long Form

This report provides detailed information about one or more general ledger accounts for a fiscal year, fiscal period or a range of either fiscal years or periods. The report’s information is organized by general ledger account number and can include separate groupings for each fiscal year and period.

To generate a Long Form

1.       Select Reports from the General Ledger menu. The Report List appears with the GL tab selected.

2.       Select Long Form and click Launch. The Long Form screen appears.

3.       Select the dates for the report:

  • For one fiscal year or period, select the same year, number, and period from both drop-down lists.

  • For a range of fiscal years or periods, select different years and periods from the drop-down lists.

Note:       Unless you’ve changed your fiscal year, the number should always be 1.

4.       If you have multiple sites, select the sites to include on the report from the Site drop-down lists.

5.       Select the accounts whose information you want to generate:

  • For one account, enter the same account number for the beginning and end of the range.

  • For a range of accounts, enter different beginning and ending account numbers.

Note:       To look up an account, click an Account field and press keyAcctTilde00016.jpg. Then select an account from the Chart of Accounts.

6.       To group report information by fiscal year and fiscal period, select the Group by Year/Period check box. To go without grouping, clear the check box.

7.       Click Print. The Report Window opens.

8.       Print the report and close the Report Window.