Vendor 1099 Report
With this report, you can see how much you paid your 1099 vendors and generate information needed to complete IRS form 1099-Misc. You can also use it throughout the year to see how much you paid your 1099 vendors during a specific date range. You can refer to this report when completing IRS form 1099 Misc or convert it into a .CSV file., which can be imported into tax preparation software.
To generate a vendor 1099 report
1. Select Reports from the Vendors menu. The Report List appears with the Vendor tab selected.
2. Select Vendor 1099 Report and click Launch. The Vendor 1099 Reporting screen appears.
3. Define the beginning and ending dates for the report’s date range. To generate a report for a single day, enter the same date for both the beginning and ending dates.
4. Define whether to generate the report for one vendor or all vendors:
To generate the report for a specific vendor, click the Vendor field and press
. Then look up the vendor.
To generate the report for all vendors, leave the Vendor field alone.
To generate the report for a specific vendor type, make a selection from the Vendor Type drop-down.
5. To limit the report to those vendors who earned more than a specific dollar amount, type that value in the Minimum Amount field. Only whole numbers are accepted.
6. Select or clear the following check boxes as needed:
If you’re generating the report based on vendor type, make sure All Vendors is selected. If you’re generating the report for a single vendor, make sure the check box is clear.
To organize the report information by vendor type assignments, make sure the Group by Vendor Type check box is selected. Otherwise, make sure the check box is clear.
To include invoice information on the report, make sure the Show Details check box is selected. For totals only, make sure the check box is clear. To limit the report to 1099 vendors, select the 1099s Only check box.
7. Generate the output.
For a hard copy, click Print. If you’re prompted to include $0.00 payment amounts, answer the question. The Report Window opens, and you can print the report.
For a .CSV file that can be imported into tax preparation software, click Create CSV File. Then answer one or more questions when prompted. The .CSV file is saved in the apps folder in your TireMaster program directory.
Note: Whether the .CSV file requires column headings depends on the type of tax preparation software you’re using. For more information, refer to the documentation for that product.
Copyright 2017 ASA Automotive Systems, Inc.
Version 9.2.0 | Generated 12/19/2017
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