ReadMe - TireMaster 9.3.3
The following information describes program changes for TireMaster 9.3.3.

The tax expiration date no longer reverts to its original entry. Previously, the changes did not take effect despite being saved.

An issue that prevented the Dashboard from generating Sales by Month graphs has been resolved. This issue, which started at the beginning of 2022, affected both the month-to-date and comparative reporting options.

This release addresses issues that occurred when using Item Tracking on TireMaster systems running the Epicor Integrated Service Estimator (ISE):
General ledger posting is now handled correctly when tracking and the Force Option Cost costing method are enabled for the product codes that are used to order items with the ISE. When a sale invoice for an item ordered via the ISE is completed, cost entries post to the inventory asset and cost of goods sold accounts now. Previously, these entries were not generated.
When you use Epicor to add an option cost item with tracking enabled to a quote/estimate in TireMaster and then turn the quote/estimate into a work order, the item's cost from Epicor is now assigned to the work order.
On work orders, the pink line color that indicates you need to enter an item’s cost (option cost) is no longer applied to tracked items retrieved from the Epicor ISE. In this scenario, the item’s cost was entered when the item was added to the work order via the ISE. Therefore, the coloring wasn’t necessary.
This release also includes the following Item Tracking enhancements:
On the Track Parts screen, the newest receiving documents are now at the top of the list.
Two additional filtering options are now available on the Item Tracking screen (upper left), and the labeling for some of the existing filtering options has been revised.
The means to display 40, 120, or all lines has been added to the Item Tracking screen.

Flat rates and add-on items are no longer excluded from work orders created from appointments.

The interface for SideKick360 is available in this release. This optional integration includes tools for increasing vehicle maintenance sales and reporting key performance indicators. When you click the SideKick360 button on various TireMaster screens, you’ll be prompted to register the program. If you’re interested in adding SideKick360 to your TireMaster system, contact your account manager.

Three system controls are now available:
Customer Default Price Level defines which price level is assigned to new customers by default. This control is on the Customer tab.
Price Level Override - Reset Price enforces price levels for items added to work orders via the Epicor Integrated Service Estimator. Enabling the control ensures that an item's price will reset to the amount defined by a customer's price level, when a price change is attempted by a user who is not assigned the price level override permission. This control is on the Inventory tab.
Quote Module Enabled defines whether the Quote and Estimate Writer can be accessed and used to prepare quotes and estimates. This control is on the Other tab.

Three changes affecting TireMaster Corporate systems are included in this release:
The ability to send statements based on site is now available. Because of this change, you can prepare a group of statements using a specific custom form for one set of stores and then prepare another group of statements using a different form for another set of stores. Furthermore, the different groups of statements can be processed on the same computer or different computers. Implementing this functionality requires assistance from ASA Support or ASA Professional Services personnel.
When you click Add to create an offset line for a vendor charge, the default site number in a colocated environment will be for the site you’re logged in to, instead of Site 1.
Changes have been made to ensure that when you’re prompted to load a customer’s existing work order, the work order that opens will be from the site you’re logged in to. Previously, there were instances in colocated environments in which the work orders that opened were for the correct customers but from different sites.