Fiscal Calendar

This help topic is applicable to the following TireMaster applications:

TireMaster Point of Sale

TireMaster Plus

TireMaster Corporate

In TireMaster, a fiscal calendar is used to implement your fiscal year. A fiscal year is the 12 month period businesses and government agencies use for accounting, budgeting, and reporting earnings. Access to the fiscal calendar module varies, depending on your TireMaster system.

If you're running TireMaster Point of Sale, Closedclick here.The fiscal calendar is available on a limited basis for dealers who use the Accounting Interface for QuickBooks®.

If you're running TireMaster Plus, Closedclick here.You can set up a fiscal calendar that matches your fiscal year in TireMaster. A fiscal year can but does not have to correspond to the actual calendar year. Although the fiscal year can begin with any month, you need to start with the same day and month every year, unless you get government approval to change your company’s fiscal year.

If you're running TireMaster Corporate, Closedclick hereYou can set up a fiscal calendar that matches your fiscal year in TireMaster. A fiscal year can but does not have to correspond to the actual calendar year. Although the fiscal year can begin with any month, you need to start with the same day and month every year, unless you get government approval to change your company’s fiscal year.