TireMaster 9.2.0 Help

Deleting Uncompleted Core Charges

If one or more core charges was added for a vendor in error, you can remove them from the Core Manager. All of the cores can be removed as a group, or you can remove individual charges.

1.       If the Core Manager isn’t already open, do the following:

a.    Click Invoicing. The Open Work Order List appears.

b.    Click Core Case. The Casing Manager screen appears.

Note:       You access the Core Manager via the Casing Manager.

c.    Click Cores. The Core Manager opens. For each vendor from whom you’ve collected cores, it lists the number of cores you’ve collected and the total credit amount for those cores.

2.       Delete individual core charges, as needed. If you want to delete the entire group of core charges for a vendor, go to step 3 instead.

a.    Select the row for the vendor whose core charges you want to remove, and click Edit. The Process Cores screen appears.

b.    Select the check box for each core charge you want to remove. Then click Delete Line.

c.    Click Save & Exit.

3.       Delete the group of core charges you want to remove.

a.    On the Core Manager screen, select the row for the vendor whose core charges you want to remove.

b.    Click Delete. A confirmation message appears.

c.    Click Yes.

4.       Close the Core Manager and Casing Manager screens.

Related Topics

Recording Core Charges

Processing Core Credits

Updating Core Charges

Adding Missing Core Charges

Refunding Customer Core Charges