Creating Add-On Codes
The first step in setting up add-ons is creating the add-on codes that can be assigned to items. The items that add-on codes are assigned to are called parent items. When parent items are sold, the add-on codes prompt TireMaster to automatically include additional items on work orders.
To create an add-on code
1. From the Inventory menu, select Add-On Codes. The Add-On Code List appears.
2. Click New Code. The Add-On Header Edit screen appears.
3. Type a two-character code in the Add-On Code field.
Note: Once you click OK, this code cannot be changed.
Tip: Name add-on codes based on the type of parent items they’ll be assigned to, such as light-truck tires. This naming method helps others understand which add-on codes to assign to parent items.
4. Type a description for the add-on code.
5. Click OK. Now you can associate items with the new add-on code. For more information, see Associating Items with Add-On Codes.
Copyright 2017 ASA Automotive Systems, Inc.
Version 9.2.0 | Generated 12/19/2017
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