TireMaster 9.2.0 Help

Turning Quotes into Work Orders

When a customer is ready to make a purchase, you can turn the customer’s quote into a work order.

To turn a quote into a work order

1.       Retrieve the customer’s quote. For more information, see Retrieving Quotes & Estimates.

2.       If you’re working with a comparison quote, select the Auth check box for the quote that you’ll turn into a work order and make sure it’s clear for the remaining quotes.

3.       Click Create/Update WO. If there’s already a work order for the customer, TireMaster gives you the option of updating the existing work order or creating a new one. Otherwise, a new work order is created.

Note:       If the Create/Update WO button is disabled, the customer and vehicle need to be added to TireMaster.

4.       Click OK to close the message. The rows in the Q and Auth columns turn green for the items put on the work order.

5.       Close the Quote and Estimate Writer screen. The work order that you just created (or updated) is included on the Open Work Order List.You can update the work order, if needed, or complete the sale.

Related Topics

Turning an Estimate into a Work Order

Creating Single Item Quotes

Creating Brand Comparison Quotes

Updating Quotes and Estimates