TireMaster 9.2.0 Help

Report Window

Documents are displayed in the Report Window, unless they print automatically as part of a program function, such as reports generated by the day-end close. The top of the Report Window includes several buttons for navigating and printing reports.

Note:       These buttons are not available for some documents, such as invoices, ROAs, and the Charge Edit Report.

You can use the Report Window buttons to do the following:

  • To move to another page or print a report, click one of the arrow buttons.

  • To adjust the size at which a report is displayed, select the magnification from the drop-down menu or type a value and click outside the magnification field.

Note:       The magnification can range from 25% to 400%.

  • To find a specific quantity, dollar amount, item, or name on a report, type the information in the data-search field and click btnBinoculars.jpg.

  • To export report data to other software applications, click brnEnvelope.jpg and select the application and destination.

  • To ensure that the report includes the most up-to-date information, click btnRefreshData.jpg.

Example: The Inventory Master List displays an on-hand quantity of 5 for your 36 month batteries. Then a salesperson places one of those batteries on a work order while the report is displayed on the screen. Clicking btnRefreshData00025.jpg updates the item’s on-hand quantity to 4.

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