TireMaster 9.2.0 Help

Reports by Tab

Most reports in TireMaster relate to specific functions or processes. Reports are grouped under various tabs on the Report List based on their relationship to TireMaster’s functions or processes. If there are certain reports that you frequently use, you can group them under custom tabs.

The Report List displays different tabs for each user. The tabs available to a user depend on the following:

  • Which reports are listed under a particular tab

  • Which reports are assigned to a particular security group

  • Whether the user is assigned to that security group

This behavior occurs for both regular and custom report tabs.

Example: The GL Summary and Trial Balance Reports are listed on the GL tab. These two reports are also assigned to the Accountants security group. User Jerry Edwards belongs to the Accountants security group. Therefore, the GL tab is available to Jerry when he opens the Report List.

Note:       Selecting the Show All Reports check box displays all reports and all report tabs on the screen. However, a report override is required for users who do not have permission to print a report. For more information, see Report Overrides.