ReadMe - TireMaster 9.4.0
The following information describes program changes for TireMaster 9.4.0.

General ledger posting has been corrected for tire taxes that are set up as inventory items (both inventoriable and noninventoriable). Previously, when national account and government support sales included tire tax, it posted to the GL class for those types of sales (typically Class 3) instead of the GL class for normal sales (typically Class 1). Because of the correction, tire tax is now handled properly on the Balance Sheet. In addition to tire taxes, this change also affects other items assigned GL codes that use liability accounts for tracking sales and expenses.
Accounts Receivable

This release addresses a pair of issues that resulted in the following:
Incorrect totals on real-time statements
Incorrect dates and totals on statements generated as of the statement cutoff date
One of these issues appeared in version 9.3.1 and the other occurred in the patch for the printing issues caused by the July 2023 Windows update.
AP Payments

The following are now available on the AP Payments screen:
The option to sort documents by invoice date
A search field for locating documents by criteria including vendor name, invoice number, reference, charge amount, unapplied amount, paid amount, address, and city.

Safeguards have been implemented to prevent database busy errors from being generated during AP Payment check runs.

The new search field on the Check Reconciliation screen can be used to locate entries by payee, description, amount, invoice number, and system-assigned tracking number.
Corporate (TireMaster Corporate Only)

The process for setting passwords in multi-store environments has been reworked to allow for more control by management and system administrators. Now users at the corporate site can create passwords for employees and define the sites where those employees are allowed to log in to the program. Previously, user accounts were created at the corporate site and the passwords could be created only at the stores.
Customer Maintenance

This release include the addition of another type of customer color codes. The new credit color codes draw attention to customers with past due account balances. Credit color codes are automatically assigned to customer records with overdue balances during the daily processes that run at 2:00 a.m.

The means to easily define whether customers are exempt from paying FET, shop charges, or both is now available. A pair of checkboxes, called No FET and No Shop Supplies have been added to the Customer Maintenance screen.

The means to separate customer records that were previously combined is now available. To uncombine one customer record from another, it must include transactional activity.

A payment breakdown is readily available from a customer's ledger history. When the line for an ROA is double-clicked, TireMaster opens the new Payment Distribution screen. It lists the transactions the payment was applied to, along with the corresponding payment amounts.

Multiple customers can now be simultaneously combined with a customer record that you want to keep. Previously, customers had to be merged one at a time.

The Customer Maintenance screen now has a pair of arrow buttons ( and
) for moving through the contact information. The buttons are active when six or more contacts are assigned to the selected customer.

Email address changes made to a customer's contact information can now be immediately applied to the customer's statement email settings. When an email address is used for both contacts and statements, TireMaster presents the option to also apply the contact email change to the customer's statement delivery configuration. Likewise, when a statement email address is updated, TireMaster will prompt you to update the corresponding email in the customer’s contacts.

This release resolves an issue that caused goals to be excluded from the Dashboard.
Documents and Forms

TireMaster now includes the option to automatically save PDFs of the following documents on the server when the corresponding transactions are completed.
Purchase orders
Receiving documents
Vendor invoice documents
Day end closing reports (Daily Till Detail Report, Daily Invoice Report - Till Totals/Over & Short, Daily Sales Report, Day End Transaction Report, and Paidout Report)
When you complete transactions, the resulting documents are placed in the Out folder in the TireMaster directory.

This release includes a variety of changes for the Fast Report (.fr3) document template files included in TireMaster:
A standard set of updated document templates for invoices, quotes, ROAs, and work orders have been added.
Corrections have been made to ensure the following:
Note text wraps on printed quotes.
The space for vehicle information is empty on work orders and invoices when no vehicle is selected.
Cost replacement codes (if enabled) print on original and duplicate invoices.
The letter A, for identifying adjustment items, is no longer excluded from printed sale invoices.
Customer names that reach the 30 character limit allowed by TireMaster print on a single line on sale invoices.
ROAs display finance charge and credit card information on separate lines.
Long email addresses no longer use two lines on ROAs.

If an email address is associated with the user who is logged into TireMaster, that email address is now selected by default (under From) when the email selection screen opens. User email addresses are defined in Email Options, accessed by selecting Setup > Printers.

A naming convention has been implemented for statements (regular and real-time) that are emailed to customers. Now the file name includes the both the document type and the system-generated customer number.

The new Search field on the Inventory Maintenance screen's History tab can be used to find documents by document number, customer or vendor name, and price.

Category and Group columns have been added to the Inventory List.
Inventory Replenishment

The Cancel button on the Open Receiving Documents screen has been renamed New RD to clarify that its purpose is for adding an outside purchase item to a new receiving document instead of an existing one.
Point of Sale

The contents of previously-completed sale invoices can now be used to create new quotes and work orders. Reusing invoices helps you save time and helps to ensure consistency when you need to work on a vehicle that's similar to a previously-repaired vehicle with a comparable problem.

Safeguards have been implemented so the setting for the system control Quotes - Epicor Show Part # is not ignored when information from the Epicor Integrated Service Estimator (ISE) is used to create a quote and then that quote is turned into a work order.

This release includes a correction to ensure that a customer’s oil change history can be retrieved and used to create new oil change work orders.

Changes to prevent errors from occurring in the following scenarios have been implemented:
When turning quotes and estimates into new work orders
When information from quotes and estimates is used to update existing work orders
When users click Price Level on the Quote and Estimate Writer screen
Pricing Wizard

Errors no longer appear when generating the Pricing Wizard preview report.

You can now search for completed sale invoices with the purchase order numbers customers have provided at point of sale.

The Check Reconciliation Report lists the checks, deposits, fees, and withdrawals reconciled during a user-defined date range.

A trio of improvements have been implemented for the Time Clock Report:
The option to generate a breakdown of each employee’s regular and overtime hours for one or two work weeks is now available. Payroll personnel can refer to this information to simplify preparing paychecks.
A separate page can be printed for each employee.
Category columns for regular, sick, holiday, vacation, and other time have been added.

The following checkboxes have been added to the launch screen for the Sales Information Report:
Include FETax w/Sales for defining whether report output includes federal excise tax.
All Customer Types for having all customer types selected by default. This checkbox clears when you click the Customer Type button and select customer types manually.
All Sites for having all sites selected by default. This checkbox is present only in TireMaster Corporate environments. It clears when you click the Sites button and select sites manually.
Local Site Only for limiting report output to the site from which you're running the report. This checkbox is present only in environments running the Data Exchange application.

Sorting for the Appointment Report has been adjusted to ensure appointments are listed by date and then the time on that date.

A correction for the Day End Till Totals Report (printed via the Report List) has been made to ensure that the date next to the heading Totals for Day is for the day end closing date.

A calculation change for $0.00 costs was added to the Mechanic Report to prevent errors when users attempt to generate it.

A column for showing on-order quantities has been added to the Negative Inventory Report.

Transaction dates are now included on paidout reports.

The Post Error Report has been removed from the program. Because the information needed to resolve posting errors is available on the GL Temp Report, it is necessary to send only that document to TireMaster Support.

An adjustment for the Salesperson Report has been implemented to ensure that it's generated only for the selected employee or employees.

A column for transaction dates has been added to the Vendor Charge Edit Report.

An issue that prevented users from adding items to scheduled appointments has been resolved.

You can now can define which users are allowed to continue the day end close when there is an overage or shortage. The new permission Close Day Over/Short allows users to proceed with the day end close regardless of whether the system totals for cash, checks, and cards match the actual totals.

The ability to update a work order's reconciliation code is now a protected function. The new permission Work Order Change Recon Code defines whether users are allowed to perform the following tasks:
Choose a different reconciliation code for a work order.
Remove the reconciliation code from a work order to change a national account or government support sale to a normal sale.
Assign a reconciliation code to change a normal sale to a national account or government support sale.
System Administration

Multiple zip code entries, resulting from spelling errors, formatting issues, or missing information, can now be merged into a single zip code. This functionality is available for both customers and vendors.

You can define whether the same PO number can be repeatedly used on a customer's invoices. When the new system control Check for duplicate PO is enabled, TireMaster compares the PO number entered for the current sale (on the Work Order or Invoice Completion screen) to the PO numbers assigned to the customer's sale invoices during the past year. If a duplicate is detected, a message instructs the user to enter a different PO number.

When the setting Print 0 Balances is changed on the Statement Setup screen, the System Control Statement Print 0 Balances is now updated to match.
Time Clock

Now you can now define which employees are listed on the Time Clock. For example, you might include only those who are paid hourly. To add employees to the Time Clock, select the new Time Clock checkbox on the Employee/User Edit screen.

With the addition of global time entry, you can add a single Time Clock entry that applies to all employees or a user-defined group of employees. Global entries can be used to record holiday time and regular time.

Time clock entries can now be classified as Regular, Holiday, Vacation, Sick, Jury Duty, or Bereavement. These time categories are available on the screen for manually adding in and out times for the selected day of the week.
Vendor Maintenance

The means to combine one or more vendor records is now available, along with the ability to separate vendor records that were previously combined. To uncombine one vendor record from another, it must include transactional activity

A payment breakdown is readily available from a vendor’s ledger history. When the line for a payment is double-clicked, TireMaster opens the new Payment Distribution screen. It lists the transactions the payment was applied to, along with the corresponding payment amounts.

The Vendor Maintenance screen now has a pair of arrow buttons ( and
) for moving through the contact information. The buttons are active when six or more contacts are assigned to the selected vendor.

The Payment Editing screen is taller than before, making possible for you to see more of the selected vendor's payment and credit activity without having to scroll. The Payment Editing screen is also known as the vendor open item ledger.
Set Up New Features

To implement credit color codes, you need to define the colors you want to use and enable them. For more information, see Prepare to Use Credit Color Codes.

If some of your customers are exempt from paying FET, shop supplies, or both, update their customer records to ensure those fees are not assessed.
To update customer FET and shop supply settings
1. | Look up the customer for whom one or both settings need to be changed. For more information, see Customer Searches. |
2. | Make sure the General tab is selected on the Customer Maintenance screen, and click Edit. |
3. | Select one or both of the following checkboxes. |
No Shop Supplies
4. | To save your changes, click OK. |
5. | To update the FET and shop supply settings for additional customers, click Find and repeat steps 2 through 4. When you’re done updating customer FET and shop supply settings, Close the Customer Maintenance screen. |

If you want various documents to be automatically saved to the server when transactions are completed, enable a new system control.
To enable original document preservation
1. | Select Setup > System Controls. The System Controls screen opens. |
2. | Click the Other tab. |
3. | Select PDF save copy to server, and press Enter. |
4. | Select On, and click OK. |
5. | Close the System Controls screen. |

If you have employees who are allowed to close the day regardless of whether the over and short value is $0.00, assign the permission Close Day Over/Short to their security groups.
To assign the Close Day Over/Short permission
1. | Select Setup > Users & Permissions. The User List opens. |
2. | Click Security. The Security Assignments screen opens. |
3. | Under Selection, make sure Groups is selected and choose the group that will be assigned the permission. |
4. | Under Assignments, select Permissions. |
5. | Select Close Day Over/Short and click ![]() |
6. | To assign over/short permission to other security groups, repeat steps 3 through 5. |
7. | When you’re finished assigning the over/short permission, close the open screens. |

If you want to define which employees are allowed to change, remove, or add work order reconciliation codes, assign the permission Work Order Change Recon Code to their security groups.
To assign the work order reconciliation code permission
1. | Select Setup > Users & Permissions. The User List opens. |
2. | Click Security. The Security Assignments screen opens. |
3. | Under Selection, make sure Groups is selected and choose the group that will be assigned the permission. |
4. | Under Assignments, select Permissions. |
5. | Select Close Day Over/Short and click ![]() |
6. | To assign the reconciliation code permission to other security groups, repeat steps 3 through 5. |
7. | When you’re finished assigning the reconciliation code permission, close the open screens. |

If you want to ensure that customer sale invoices are assigned unique PO codes, enable the system control Check for Duplicate PO.
To enable the duplicate PO control
1. | Select Setup > System Controls. The System Controls screen opens. |
2. | Click the Customer tab. |
3. | Select Check for duplicate PO and press Enter. |
4. | Select On, and click OK. |
5. | Close the System Controls screen. |

If you use the TireMaster Time Clock, define whether your employees time worked is tracked with it.
To define time clock employees
1. | Select Setup > Users & Permissions. The User List opens. |
2. | Select the name of an employee, and click Edit. |
3. | Do one of the following: |
If the employee needs to log time in and out, select the Time Clock check box.
If you don’t track the employee’s time worked, clear the Time Clock check box.
4. | Click OK to save your changes. |
5. | Repeat steps 2 through 4 for your remaining employees. |