TireMaster 9.2.0 Help

Applying Payments and Vendor Credits

Once you’ve made payments to or received credits from a vendor, you can apply those items to the vendor’s balance.

To apply payments and vendor credits

1.       On the Vendors menu, select Maintenance. The Name Entry/Lookup screen appears.

2.       Look up the name of the vendor whose payment and credits you want to apply. For more information, see Looking Up Customer and Vendor Names.

3.       Click the Ledger/History tab.

4.       Click Open Item. The Payment Editing screen appears.

5.       To sort items on the screen, select either Ref# or Due Date.

6.       Apply items:

a.    Select the payment or credit that you want to apply to a purchase order or vendor charge, and type A in the Apply column.

b.    Select one or more purchase orders or vendor charges that you want to apply the payment or credit to.

c.    Type the amount you want to apply in the Pay column, and press Enter. The letter A appears in the Apply column.

d.    Type the amount of the discount you want to take, if any, in the DiscAmt column.

Tip:  If you plan to apply the full amount and take the full discount, you can type A in the Apply column instead.

7.       Click OK. TireMaster prompts you to save your changes.

8.       Click Yes. TireMaster prompts you to apply the items.

9.       To apply the charges now, click Yes. If you click No, you can open to the vendor’s Payment Editing screen and apply the charges later.

Related Topics

Payment Editing Screen