TireMaster 9.2.0 Help

Applying ROAs

If you have an ROA that was not applied to any invoices, you can apply the ROA manually in the customer’s open-item ledger.

To apply an ROA

1.       Look up the customer whose ROA you want to apply. The Customer Maintenance screen appears. For more information, see Looking Up a Customer.

2.       Click the Ledger/History tab.

3.       Click Open Item. The Open Item Ledger screen appears.

4.       To sort items on the screen, select Invoice or Due Date.

5.       To see if any comments about an ROA were entered when it was processed, select the ROA and click Notes.

6.       Type the letter A in the Apply column for the ROA that you want to apply.

7.       Do the following for each invoice that you want to apply the ROA to:

a.    Type the letter A in the Apply column.

b.    Change the amount in the Pay column if needed.

Note:       Although the amount in the Pay column is automatically filled in when you mark an item with an A, you can change it. The remaining balance of the payment, if any, is displayed in the Unapplied Amt field.

8.       Click OK. TireMaster prompts you to save your changes.

9.       Click Yes. TireMaster prompts you to apply the items.

10.   To apply the payment to the customer’s balance, click Yes.

Related Topics

Open Item Ledger Screen

Processing ROAs

Unapplying ROAs