TireMaster 9.2.0 Help

Organizing Contact Information Globally

With global ordering, contact information for all of your customers is listed in the same order on the Customer Maintenance screen and contact information for all of your vendors is listed in the same order on the Vendor Maintenance screen. Global ordering is defined in the settings for contact types. Therefore, when the customer order or vendor order for a type is assigned to position 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5, it’s put in the corresponding spot on the applicable maintenance screen. If a contact type is not assigned a position, it’s set to 0 and is displayed on the maintenance screens wherever a spot is available.

Note:       When the position is set to 0 for all contact types, the order of phone numbers and e-mail addresses can differ for each customer or vendor. For more information, see Organizing an Individual’s Contact Information.

To globally organize contact information

1.       From the Customers menu, select Contact Types. The Contact Type screen appears.

2.       For each contact type, do the following:

a.    Select the type and click Edit. The Add/Edit Contact Type screen appears.

b.    For customers, type the number that corresponds with the position you want to assign in the Cust Order field. For example, type 1 to list the contact type first on the Customer Maintenance screen.

c.    For vendors, type the number that corresponds with the position you want to assign in the Vend Order field. The position can be the same as the one used for customers or it can be different.

d.    Click OK.

3.       When you’re done assigning positions, close the open screens.

Related Topics

Contact Types

Organizing Contact Information

Organizing an Individual’s Contact Information

Updating Phone Numbers and E-Mail Addresses