TireMaster 9.2.0 Help

Organizing an Individual’s Contact Information

Contact information can be organized on a customer-by-customer or vendor-by-vendor basis, instead of using the same order for everyone. With this method, you define how phone numbers and email addresses for individual customers or vendors are ordered on the maintenance screens by changing their placement on the Contact List. Therefore, if you move up a phone number down on a customer’s Contact List, it also moves to the corresponding spot on the customer’s maintenance screen.

When you organize phone numbers and e-mail addresses on an individual basis, the following occurs:

  • The contact method designated as primary moves to the top of the list. For customers, the primary contact method is used by default on work orders.

  • The alternate contact method is shown beneath the primary contact method. Therefore, it’s the second phone number or e-mail address listed.

  • The remaining numbers and e-mail addresses, if any, are below the primary and alternate contact information.

When customers and vendors have more than five phone numbers and e-mail addresses, the additional contact information is available only on the Contact List.

To organize contact information differently for each customer and vendor, the position needs to be set to 0 in the settings for all contact types. To verify that the position is 0 for all contact types go to Customers > Contact Types and review the entries in the Position column.

To organize an individual’s contact information

1.       Look up the customer or vendor whose contact information you want to organize. For more information, see Looking Up Customer and Vendor Names.

2.       On the General tab of the Customer Maintenance or Vendor Maintenance screen, click Phone & E-Mail. The Contact List appears.

3.       Define the primary contact method. If you don’t need to change the primary contact method, disregard this step.

a.    Select the row for the phone number or e-mail address you want to designate as the primary contact method.

b.    Click Move Up repeatedly, until the phone number or e-mail address is at the top of the list and the word Primary is shown next to it.

4.       Define the alternate contact method. If you don’t need to change the alternate contact method, disregard this step.

a.    Select the row for the phone number or e-mail address you want to designate as the alternate contact method.

b.    Click Move Up repeatedly, until the phone number or e-mail address is on the second row of the list and the word Alternate is shown next to it.

5.       Define the position for the customer’s remaining phone numbers and e-mail addresses.

a.    Select the row for the contact method you want to move.

b.    Click Move Up or Move Down repeatedly, until the phone number or e-mail address is where you need it to be.

6.       Close the Contact List.

Related Topics

Contact Types

Organizing Contact Information

Organizing Contact Information Globally

Updating Phone Numbers and E-Mail Addresses