This help topic is applicable to the following TireMaster applications:
TireMaster Point of Sale |
TireMaster Plus |
TireMaster Corporate |
In TireMaster, the term subledger refers to the record in which account activity for an individual customer, vendor, or item is tracked. There are also subledgers for tracking the credits you expect to receive from vendors for national account, government support, and adjustment sales.
In TireMaster Plus and TireMaster Corporate, the balances of similar subledgers are added together to generate the total of one general ledger account. For example, the total of all customer subledger balances equals the balance of the accounts receivable account. Similarly, the total of all expected credits from each vendor equals the balance of the accounts payable expected credits account.
View Subledger Balances
The following information describes how you can view the balances for different kinds of subledgers:
For customers, look at the Ledger/History and Aging tabs on the Customer Maintenance screen.
For vendors, look at Ledger/History and Aging tabs on the Vendor Maintenance screen.
For inventory items, print the Inventory Value Report.
For expected credits, print a National Account Reconciliation Report for each vendor’s reconciliation code.